10 Ways To Feel Productive

8:38 PM

Weekends come and go, and most of the time I find myself never leaving my bed. It's a reoccurring event. Get in some pajamas, and just turn on Netflix to watch Gossip Girl for the 8th time through. Sunday night hits and I realize I lounged my weekend away. What an awful feeling that is. If you're like me, then you want to feel productive. Not even just feel, you want to be. I want to be productive 24/7 and actually can't take naps because I get overwhelmed with the anxiety of needing to get things done. I have a serious fear of missing something if I nap mid-day. So this is for those days when you want to do something, but can't think of anything to do!

1. Clean. A clean apartment is a happy apartment and leads to good happy thoughts. This is especially true for me, as a clean house helps my mind to stay uncluttered and gets me even more motivated to get other things done as well. Do your laundry, wash your bedding, re-organize your kitchen. When you're done, put in a new scentsy or light some candles to relax. 

2. Bake something. Bake an apple pie, or a peach cobbler. Make some fun mini cupcakes and top them with pink icing. Surprise your boyfriend with his favorite dessert. Plus it'll make your house smell nice :)

3. Go to the flower market. Picking out some new, colorful flowers to brighten up your home is always a mood-upper. Plus, who doesn't love taking insta pics of their new flowers? My favorites are peonies and hydrangeas.

4. DIY a painting. Go grab 2 big canvases, hop on Pinterest, and let your creative side show.

5. Organize something-your kitchen, your closet, your life. I love love organizing. My favorite thing to do is organize my desk space, and buy new pens and organize my agenda. I like to get new sticky notes, new pens, or new desk accesories and just have a good time. 

6. Go buy a new handbag. Or a new pair of sunnies, or tennis shoes. Making little splurges like these make me feel some type of way. I don't know why, but making purchases like these just instantly put me in a good mood. 

7. Catch up with an old friend. Or call your mom. Have a good, deep conversation with someone. Tell her about the new guy you've been seeing, or the new Starbucks drink you're obsessing over. 

8. Workout. Go on a hike, a swim, or a walk. Get your body moving. Put some strawberry, lemon infused Voss in your fridge, let it sit overnight and drink it to stay hydrated. Even making a new playlist could get you pumped to go do some work on yo body.

9. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure. Go find that perfect shade of pink and go to town. 

10. Start a blog. You could be like me and randomly get the urge to document every moment of your life. Whatever you have an interest in, write about it. You don't even have to be a good writer, Lord knows I'm not. Just find your passion, inspiration, and write about it!

I hope my little list gave y'all some ideas of some things to do this weekend!
Love y'all lots!

Images: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

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  1. I love this. My house has been so messy and unorganized recently and I think it really makes a difference in how productive I feel. Once I get it cleaned up I always feel completely different and more motivated. =)

  2. Great tips! I'm definitely going to try some of these this weekend!

  3. I love this, I think you and I are SO similar, be my best friend?! ;) I'm a person who loves organization, cleaning etc...I feel productive when I do the things you mentioned and it makes me feel awesome!

  4. A clean house definitely makes for a happier home. I love the flower market idea, flowers always brighten up a space and put me in a better mood. Hydrangeas and peonies are totally my favorites too!

  5. I love your list, especially baking something! Hmm, I think oatmeal spice cookies for hubby today!
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

  6. Cleaning sounds like my typical Sunday for sure. Too bad all the fruits of my labor are gone by the time Monday rolls around due to my messy family :-)

  7. I too feel the same if I don't accomplish anything on the weekend or week for that matter! I always wake up now and clean the house. It stays nice and straightened and if anyone shows up I don't have to panic! I love all of your ideas, fresh flowers are a great one! Thanks for sharing, love all your pics!

  8. Great thoughts for what to do with that free time we are always looking for but seem to waste so easily! I would always add getting outside in nature whether it's a hike or just a sit in the yard. Thanks!
