Let's Talk About Comfort Zones

9:48 AM

"Life starts at the end of your comfort zone..." How many times have you scrolled down Pinterest and seen that exact quote posted about every 10 minutes? Well this week I took some time to really internalize that, and really just sit down and think about it.Taking risks is uncomfortable and scary, but realizing how much of life you're missing out on is scarier. I've never been one for putting myself out there. All of my life I have always played it safe, I wouldn't do anything unless I knew exactly what the outcome was going to be. If there wasn't a clear cut end solution to something, I wouldn't do it. I am the kind of person who is terrified of failure. So if you're like me then read on.

Whether your changing your major, applying for your dream job, or changing the entire direction of your life, making those first few steps is always the hardest. I was terrified to start a blog. I knew there would be people talking about me, and the chance of failing gave me anxiety like you wouldn't believe. But I came to a point where I just stopped caring. I've always done exactly what everyone expected and wanted me to do. I decided it was time to stop playing it safe and to do exactly what I wanted with my life. So this is me taking hold of my future and making it exactly what I want it to be. So here are my 4 tips on how to get out of your comfort zone!

1. Make a list. What do you want and exactly how do you plan to get there? Seeing a drawn out plan of exactly how you want to get to where you're going is a great way to be real with yourself and keep your goals in your mind.

2. Let GO of other peoples opinions. How silly is it to think you could potentially spend your entire life constantly passing up opportunity's, and missing out on things YOU love simply because someone MIGHT say something bad about it? You can't please everyone, so why not spend your life making yourself happy? You're the person you have to live with for the rest of your life, and what an awful thought it is that you're not living your life the way you want. Be fearless when it comes to making your life exactly as you want.

3.Be proactive. Go get what you want! Have you heard the saying, "If you don't ask, the answer is already no"? That applies to almost every aspect of your life. If you don't even try for what you want, you will never have it. There is zero chance of you gaining anything from just sitting back and letting other people go get what they want. "Follow your dreams or you'll spend the rest of your life working for someone else who did."

4. ALWAYS keep your end goal in sight. If you forget what you want, you'll forget how to get there. Be confident in your goals, and your potential to get there. Get things done. Ask questions. Do your research. Spend those extra hours at the library, or the gym. Just know why you're doing it, and get it done. It will all pay off.

Are you in between decisions right now? Wanting to change your life in a positive way? What are some of the most rewarding risks you've taken in the past?

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  1. I think #2 is so important! That is the one I have hangups with the most. "What will they think?! What if they disapprove?" But that's exhausting and unhealthy! It's much better to step on out of the that comfort zone and worry about making my own life awesome.

  2. I love these quotes - so simple, yet so profound. You're very right - we cannot succeed unless we're ok with the possibility we might also fail. Yet that doesn't have to be the end of the road either!

  3. The fear of what someone else thinks about you or your choices should never dictate how you act. I've had to learn this lesson a time or two.

  4. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, no doubt about it. But what we need to keep reminding ourselves is that success lies on the other side of fear.

  5. You have a good point! I've let go of a lot of other people's opinions, but I think I still let what others think of me affect me too much. It's definitely a learning process. Thank you for the reminder!
