Baby Bump Update! 30 Weeks

6:41 PM

So today I am 30 weeks along, and wow this entire thing has flown by. Leighton will be full term in 7 weeks, and everything is happening so so fast. This week I was going to be productive and get tons of things done and take pretty pictures, but instead I have literally stayed in bed for the past few days because I have had NO energy. Of course when I want to get things done, I can't because I have no energy. Sounds about right, doesn't it? Well this week, L decided to make her big debut and finally pop! I actually look more than 4 months pregnant now! My tummy is very round and my belly button also popped out. I'm happy to say I actually look pregnant. I think she might be getting ready to make her real debut soon...what do you think about that?

How many weeks?:  30 w 4 days
Weight gain: We had a doctors appointment this week, and I have only gained 3 pounds since last week.
Clothing: Still not needing too many maternity clothes, just my maternity shorts.
Any stretch marks?: Yes! My stretch marks are soo weird. They are on my sides and extend down my back, they are hardly noticeable and very small but it still irritates me that they are there at all. I've been using organic coconut oil to keep my body moisturized to try to keep the stretch marks to a minimum.
Am I getting ANY sleep?: I get about 7 hours a night with tons of waking up. My back has been hurting a ridiculous amount and I can't move around or get comfortable, I sleep with like 10 pillows to try to support my back hahah
Happiest thing that happened this week:  Choosing the apartment me and Chase are going to move into soon :)
Lets talk about cravings: Reeses! Or anything with chocolate and peanut butter. (Literally eating peanut butter chocolate cookies as I write this)
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing specific but I have been very nauseous this week!
Gender: Still a girl haha
Symptoms: All the normal things, backpain and nausea
Looking forward to: Setting up baby girls nursery
Hows my mood?: Very good:)

See yall next week! 

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