Mother at 20, Makeup Addict, and Lover of Fashion
6:35 PMI thought my first post should let you have a little insight as to who I am, what I'm currently going through, and what I plan to overcome. Well first off, my name is Karsen. I am a 20-something soon to be mom at 12 weeks pregnant. I'm planning on writing posts about my every day life, to let you all in on the so far boring life of morning sickness, and going to classes. Everything so far has been pretty uneventful but hopefully that changes soon enough so I actually have fun experiences to write about. I mean of course making a human being is pretty exciting, but not when you have your head in a trashcan and munch on solely saltine crackers all day. I'm not showing too much yet, but when my bump finally fully comes out I have some outfit ideas I want to try!